I love having a spice drawer next to the stove. It’s so convenience and I can see everything without having to dig through a cupboard. The spice jars I’d been using for a few years were starting to make a mess. The tops didn’t seem to screw on tight enough to keep the spices from getting all over in the drawer. I was tired of cleaning it up every time I’d use some cinnamon or cayenne pepper, so I started looking for new jars.

I found these glass jars with wood lids on Amazon and was so excited to see that the pretty labels came with! With my old jars I had to order the jars from Amazon and the labels from Etsy. This was so handy! When they arrived I got right to cleaning out the drawer, transferring the spices into the new larger jars and putting the labels on. The labels were surprisingly forgiving so if they didn’t go on straight the first time, I could peel it off and try again. I ordered two sets to have enough for all my spices. There are a few that don’t fit in my drawer so I have them in the cupboard above. No biggie.

Unlike my old jars, these don’t have a shaker style lid which I’m hoping will help with the leakage issue I was having with them laying down. The new tops seem to go on nice and tight so here’s hoping! Plus, I’ll get to feel like a fancy chef by adding a pinch of this and a pinch of that!

They also come with some fill in the blank labels and stickers for expirations dates.

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