
New kitchen faucet

We recently swapped out our modern black kitchen faucet with an antique brass style and I love the new one so much, I thought it deserved its own blog post.

Shopping for kitchen faucets is harder than you’d think! I knew going into it that I wanted a bridge style faucet. I just like the antique look. Naturally, everything I was finding was way over budget. Then I took a chance on one I spotted on Amazon. It was hard to tell what the finish actually looked like from the photos, but I ordered it knowing Amazon returns are easy. No big deal if it didn’t work out.

Well, it worked out. The color is perfect, which is not easy when it comes to brass. It’s not too warm, not too cool. It’s heavy which makes me think the quality is good (Time will tell. I’ll keep you posted). I absolutely love the hot & cold handles. The water pressure is perfect, both through the faucet and the sprayer. Unlike my last faucet that left me with a wet shirt every time I did the dishes.

Long story short, this is the Kingston Brass Heritage 8 in. bridge faucet and it’s beautiful…and affordable!

Lets keep in touch…

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