
Thieves laundry soap hack

I’ve been swapping out our cleaning products with thieves products from Young Living for about a year now. I love the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the products we are now using are plant-based and completely natural. Did you know that the chemicals found in typical household cleaning products can cause reproductive problems and cancerous tumors? Another crazy fact…the average woman applies 300 chemicals a day to her body, 80 before breakfast! Once I learned how unhealthy the laundry products I’d been using for years were, it quickly became one of my top priorities to switch them out. The thought of wrapping our bodies in unhealthy chemicals was enough for me to want to make the switch!

So today I wanted to share my all-natural laundry detergent recipe.

You’ll use thieves household cleaner, thieves concentrated laundry detergent, water, and any essential oils you want to add. This recipe makes one bottle of thieves laundry detergent go a lot further, and it breaks down to about 15 cents a load!

Optional: add 20 drops of your favorite essential oils.

You can also use 32 oz. bottles and just cut this recipe in half. Either way it works out to be about 15 cents per load! The optional addition of essential oils is for scent. Without it the detergent doesn’t have much of a scent. Lavender, lemon and Eucalyptus are popular options. Lemon is a fabric brightener, and eucalyptus is great for lifting stains. Lavender just smells amazing.

I found my amber glass bottle on Etsy. It came with the pump and the pretty label! I like to use amber glass over clear for this because the color of the detergent is not very pretty. It’s kind of yellow.

I like to add Super Washing Soda when I have extra dirty loads, like when I wash Jack’s baseball pants. It’s all natural and it just gives it a little boost of cleaning power. That’s the white powder you see in the photos. I found that glass canister at Hobby Lobby a couple years ago, and I like to use one of these pretty wood measuring cups as a scoop. It’s the little things.

Another easy ditch & switch I’ve made is using wool dryer balls with a few drops of essential oils instead of chemical- laden fabric softener sheets! They’re one of the worst offenders!

I’ve gathered everything you need to make this money saving, plant based laundry soap into a nice little bundle. Click here and you’ll be on your way to a healthier home! (For a 24% discount and to set up automatic shipping every 1, 2 or 3 months, click on Subscribe.)

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